This Massive Luxury RV Can Sleep up to 10 People And Has a Washing Machine

Photo credit: SLRV
Photo credit: SLRV

From House Beautiful

Have you ever wanted to go an adventure with your friends and family without sacrificing comfort, space, and the ability to get to hard-to-reach destinations? Well, this massive luxe RV lets you do just that. Along with the ability to off-road, it can sleep up to 10 people.

To travel through remote terrains across Australia, a family of eight commissioned luxury expedition vehicle company SLRV to create a custom Commander 8×8 two years ago, Business Insider reports. The custom build features a a 6.5-foot lift roof that—when activated by pushing a button—turns the RV into a two-story home on wheels. According to a news post on SLRV's site, in the upper level, there are six beds for the kids. Downstairs, there's an ensuite bedroom for the parents. The lower level has a spacious galley kitchen and lounge area that's big enough for 8 to 10 people. And if the family wants to invite guests to stay in their massive camper, there is a spare electric lift up bed for two guests. The camper's exterior even has a washer and a sink unit.

To power this spacious, comfortable home on wheels, the RV's technical system uses lithium batteries charged by a solar panel system, a diesel backup generator, and alternator. For insulation, some of the camper's walls are nearly 5 inches thick, according to Business Insider.

Photo credit: SLRV
Photo credit: SLRV

While SLRV did not disclose the price of the camper to Business Insider, Caravan Estimating Camping Sales estimated the camper came in between $1 and $2 million AUD. A massive price tag, but for a luxury RV that can comfortably fit a family of eight and weather rough terrain? Makes sense to us.

Photo credit: SLRV
Photo credit: SLRV

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