Massive 50-Foot Dead Whale Washes Ashore at Popular UK Surf Spot (Video)

A colossal 50-foot whale has washed ashore on a beach in the UK.

The beached behemoth was spotted by a surfer on Wednesday morning at South Fistral Beach, who was at the beach for a routine surf check.

No cause of death was immediately reported.

Rob, no last name given, was the surfer who saw the deceased whale.

"Upon getting a bit nearer to the whale, it was measured to be 16 meters long,” Rob told The Mirror. “It's absolutely huge. It appeared to be bleeding from near the tail end, but we don't know why it died yet. It's so sad to see."

He continued:

"Over the last 40 years of being an ocean user, it has never been common until the recent 18 months. There has been so many more sightings."

Video footage of the beached beast gave a little more context:

“A very sad sight this morning during our daily dawn conditions check for surf school here in Newquay. A deceased Whale at south Fistral. We’re not sure of the type, or what caused it’s death, please comment below if you have any information or theories. We have made the relevant organizations aware of the situation and ask everyone to be respectful to this huge, beautiful creature. 🙏🏼🐋😔

“UPDATE: The beautiful beast is confirmed as a Fin Whale. It’s 16 metres long. It was spotted off the Cribbar yesterday behaving strangely. Advice to the public is to stay over 20ft away (a cordon is being put in place). There are organisms still living on the now deceased Whale which it’s important to keep distance from and the blood can be toxic. A decision will be made concerning if the tide will naturally move the body or other measures will be required. Very sad scenes”

No word on how officials will dispose of the body yet.


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