New Mass Effect Tease Reminds Us Mass Effect Is Still Alive

Mass Effect 5 tease

Bioware and Electronic Arts have released an anaemic teaser for the upcoming Mass Effect game.

The teaser shows an N7 officer strutting down the corridor or a ship, before turning to camera. We see a glimpse of a planet behind as the officer then steps off the ship. That’s it. The end.

The tease was released as part of N7 day, the annual celebration of Mass Effect, that somehow is still a thing in 2023. This latest Mass Effect game was first revealed in 2020, and will be built on Unreal Engine 5. Aside for that, we have very little information.

“Eleven years of N7 Days and sixteen years of Mass Effect later, the franchise continues to inspire our development team, and with each day, gives us the opportunity to create more adventures for you to have,” gushed Mike Gamble, Mass effect franchise director.

“Whether it’s one of the many who have been here since the original game’s launch or those recently joining us at BioWare, we are all incredibly lucky to be envisioning this future.

“That process is equal parts rewarding and challenging. We’ve asked ourselves many of the same questions you’ve asked us over the years! What happened to everyone you know and love in the games? Who really died? Who had kids with whom? What does a baby volus sound like? What about all the galaxies? The endings! What the heck is going on with our asari scientist-turned-Shadowbroker? What about S— get the idea. And of course, to those questions, there are answers, but you’ll have to wait to hear them. And anything we do say won’t be easy to find, just like you’ve come to expect from our #N7Day teases.”

Thanks, Mike.

With this latest tease fans may be looking forward to more information at The Game Awards, taking place December 7. If so, it could be going up against other big hitters.