Martha Stewart Is Just as Fed Up with Instagram Spam as the Rest of Us

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Martha Stewart Shares Angry Instagram RantSlaven Vlasic - Getty Images

The bots wreaking havoc on social media are getting more aggressive, and everyone is fed up with it—including Martha Stewart. The icon took to Instagram to air her grievances about the ever-escalating spam on the app and insists that the Meta-run platform do something to counteract it.

In a text-based photo posted to her Instagram feed and stories, Martha wrote in all caps, and with her own signature style of spacing and punctuation: "It is time for Instagram management to curtail the rampant influx of spam that appears on so many personal posts . I cannot believe that management is unaware of this invasive nuisance ! It just makes the posting of original and lovely content very problematical. Please Instagram take care of this. Meta owes its users and responders this courtesy."

martha stewart
Martha Stewart shared the complete rant about spam on her Instagram stories. The post on her feed got cut off.marthastewart48/Instagram

On the post, which she captioned "Read this please !!!!," many people chimed in to agree with her—noting that Martha is out here fighting the good fight against bots and spam. They shared how they're sick of fake loan comments, crypto scammers, and winner-based messages, among many other bot tactics that are an "aesthetic nightmare," as one commenter put it.

Others popped into the comments to offer Martha advice as to how they've attempted to thwart the bots themselves. Some users have made their accounts private, banned certain keywords and phrases (like "crypto" or "loans") in their privacy settings, and spent countless minutes reporting and blocking the bots along with deleting their comments (which is basically a full-time job!). Everyone agreed: Instaspam is not what Martha would call a "Good Thing."

Imagine getting yelled at by Martha and not doing anything about it. Meta, we await your response and action!

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