Martha Prefers Artificial Christmas Trees—and the Reason Why Just Might Convince You to Make the Switch


Ditte Issager

The fresh or faux Christmas tree debate is always a hot holiday topic. We know where our readers stand: In a recent Instagram poll, we asked our followers to share which type of tree they choose every year. In total, 7,000 people responded and a resounding favorite emerged: 68% of you always choose fresh evergreens, while just 32% prefer artificial ones.

Martha was recently asked this exact question when she stopped by Today to talk all things Christmas. And while our founder has set up, decorated, and loved both iterations in her many homes, she stands with the 32% of our readers who go faux. "I absolutely prefer artificial trees now," she said. "I do not want the needles all over my house."

Related: These Artificial Christmas Trees Pack the Same Amount of Holiday Cheer as Fresh Ones

silver decorated Christmas tree in Martha's summer house library
silver decorated Christmas tree in Martha's summer house library

Johnny Miller

Our founder's rationale comes down to a couple of key factors, including safety, convenience, and design—and her reasoning just might encourage the fresh tree lovers in the majority to make the switch. "I don't have to worry about a dried-out Christmas tree starting a fire," she said. "I prefer the illuminated, artificial tree." And if she wants to amp up that illumination? Martha always decorates her faux trees with white (not colorful!) string lights.

But that doesn't mean that our founder shies away from color when she decorates her artificial evergreens. In lieu of rainbow lights, she looks to colorful trees, instead. "I do gold trees, green trees, red trees, silver trees, [and] pink trees," she said. "And they're orchestrated to be very, very beautiful and have a cohesive design."