Markus Eder Continues To Prove He's One Of The Best In The World

In a recent video shot by Alex Meliss, professional skier Markus Eder proved that he's still at the top of his game as he shredded the powdery slopes of Skiworld Ahrntal, Italy.

In the caption to his video, Eder noted that Skiworld Ahrntal has had a banner season: "What an awesome winter we've had at home so far! It has been snowing a lot."

Eder's followed a circuitous path to his current position as one of skiing's best.

Born in Italy, he got his start in the slopestyle scene, appearing in the Nine Knights invitational competition and, eventually, the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

Following his Olympic performance, Eder pivoted, relying on his deep bag of tricks to evolve from terrain park aficionado to freerider. He graced the silver screen in Matchstick Productions' Days of My Youth, followed by another appearance with the legendary film company in Fade To Winter.

Then, Eder set his sights elsewhere, choosing to compete in a fresh discipline—the Freeride World Tour—where his combined freestyle and freeride chops coalesced. In 2019, he took the overall FWT title after a dominant season.

Since his departure from the FWT, Eder has maintained a significant presence in freeskiing, dropping the occasional mind-blowing video, like The Ultimate Run or, more recently, Homeruns.

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