Marine Cabirou Continues Impressive Season With Another Win

Marine Cabirou has been on fire recently. On Saturday, September 30, 2023, She picked up her second World Cup win in a row.

Watch her speedy run here.

Marine Cabirou went out of the gate pinned in this race. She hit all her lines and had a perfectly clean run.

When she crossed the finish line, she was not out of the woods. Vali Höll was last down the track and could have upset her. Fortunately for Cabirou, Höll was unable to beat her and crossed the line in third.

The top 3 women were all within a second of each other in this race. This has not been common in the past and is a testament to how good the level of competition in the women's field is these days.

Marine Cabirou Rider Profile:

Age: 26

Hometown: Millau, France

Team: Scott Factory Downhill

Current World Ranking: 3

Best Results: Six Elite World Cup Victories, One Junior World Championship

Most Notable Video Part: Catch Me If You Can

Though she did not win the day, Vali Höll has clinched the overall title. Cabirou sits in third only 29 points behind Nina Hofmann, so she can still get second!

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