Marie Kondo is About to Change Your Life With a New Comic Book

Marie Kondo is About to Change Your Life With a New Comic Book

If you're already on the Marie Kondo band wagon, then you know all about her wildly popular de-cluttering philosophy, the KonMari Method. Outlined in her best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up ($8; and its follow-up, Spark Joy ($13;, the KonMari method (which, in a nutshell, rules that items that spark joy can stay and the rest must go) has literally swept the internet and garnered celeb fans like Kate Hudson and Jamie Lee Curtis, just to name a couple.

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But Kondo isn't resting on her tidy laurels—she's releasing yet another book that takes on the art of organizing in a whole new way.


The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up ($10;, out today, June 27, is a Japanese style graphic novel, or manga, featuring illustrations by award-winning manga artist Yuko Uramoto. It tells the fictional story of a messy gal named Chiaki Suzuki who enlists Kondo's help to regain order in her apartment after a neighbor complains about the trash that's accumulated on her balcony. Kondo helps the young woman implement the famed KonMari Method, which in turn allows Chiaki to get her home—and her life—back in order.

VIDEO: What It Costs to Hire a KonMari Consultant

Whether you're a dedicated Kondo follower, or a KonMari Method newbie looking for some organizational tips, this cute animated book is sure to inspire your inner neat-freak. Snag your own copy, available starting today!