The Marble in This Apartment in a Grand Victorian House Is a Must-See

Light green walls with white top trim and bay windows with symmetrical plants and chevron pattern wood floors

Erlend Norby has owned this two-bedroom home for three years: My home is a ground-floor conversion apartment, in a grand Victorian house, in Lexham Gardens.

I am a Savile Row-trained tailor who owns a company making men’s suiting in Marylebone. I enjoy collecting art and travelling. I have a miniature schnauzer called Kingsley.

Mint green walls with white top trim with wood chevron floors and marble fireplace, with multi colored rug and long wood dining room table
Credit: David Balkind Credit: David Balkind

Being Norwegian, my Scandinavian roots are reflected in many of the furnishings and accessories in my home.

My tailoring background influenced the choices of colours and fabrics used in the interiors.

dark blue sleek cabinets with white counter tops
Credit: David Balkind Credit: David Balkind

Lots of my art was sourced through friends, such as the sculpture and painting from Hugo Wilson and ceramics from Woven Clay.

Describe your home’s style in five words or fewer: Colorful, eclectic, refined.

Mint green walls with white top trim with wood chevron floors and marble fireplace
Credit: David Balkind Credit: David Balkind

What is your favorite room and why? The living room is my favorite space, as it looks onto the garden square, through a huge bay window, and it has very high ceilings.

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? I recently indulged in two Hermes cushions for my vintage armchairs.

Living room before with white walls, bay windows, and wood mantle.
Credit: David Balkind Credit: David Balkind

Any advice for creating a home you love? Finding the right designer who can recommend the right builder is fundamental to a project’s success. In my case, I used the services of designer David Balkind at Refurbishd, who is a friend of mine.

white and gray marble bathroom with dark charcoal walls
Credit: David Balkind Credit: David Balkind

Once you have found the right designer, then it is all about collaboration, with you the client giving a clear brief, and the designer interpreting this into reality, with lots of give and take in between!

Thanks, Erlend!

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.

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