How many of these 17 infuriating Tube habits are you guilty of?

Enter the fray - (c)Neil Emmerson
Enter the fray - (c)Neil Emmerson

Much like an apocalypse, rush hour on the London Underground is no fun for anyone - particularly when strikes are adding to the mayhem.

Unlike an apocalypse, however, it’s no reason to abandon all human etiquette and descend into a rabid, elbow-jabbing, knee-nudging struggle for survival. You will get home. There will (usually) be another train. We’re all in it together.

With this in mind, Telegraph Travel has compiled a manifesto of sorts - a list of sins to be avoided at all costs if you value the laws of common decency.

Perhaps some you aren’t even aware you’re guilty of. Now might be a good opportunity to check...

1. Not moving down inside the carriage

People who willingly create bottleneck scenarios on trains deserve a special place in hell, and there are plenty of them. Don’t pretend you haven’t heard the repeated intercom pleas to “move down and use the whole space of the carriage”. This is a perfectly practical plea which is grounded in the laws of physics. Yet still, defiant passengers cluster obstinately around the doors as if a stink bomb has just gone off in the centre of the otherwise nice, airy, uncluttered aisle.

Not ideal - Credit: getty
Not ideal Credit: getty

2. But also, shouting at others to ‘move down inside the carriage’

Occasionally, the bottleneck has been broken and the carriage really is chock-a-block. This anomaly can be observed from the platform, before the doors open. But we’ve all borne witness to the boorish bully who raises their voice and orders the sardines - often with swooping arm gestures - to pack themselves tighter. This is to defy physics, and is unforgivable.

3. Backpack bashers

Here’s an easy one to grasp. Wearing a bulbous backpack doubles your width. It renders you obese. If everyone on the Tube wore a bulbous backpack, the capacity of the trains would be half. Do you really want to be responsible for this? No? Then kindly remove your backpack and place it on the floor. Yes, you’ll have to shuffle it around a bit like a penguin with an egg, but you’ll be doing it for the greater good.

4. People who refuse to get off

There are times, particularly at busy stops, when a flood of passengers will need to disembark from behind you, and you shall find yourself on the front line, standing at the centre of the doors. When they open, you have two choices: get off to let them escape, then get back on again; or stand your ground, dig in your heels and brace your shoulders as if you were Moses and the crowd behind you the Red Sea. Hint: choose the first one.

Literal hell - Credit: getty
Literal hell Credit: getty

5. Platform tyrants

Similarly, there exists a certain breed of commuter who stands on the platform side of this mass-movement and does not step sideways to allow passengers off the train. This sets a Walking Dead-style scene, in which passengers disembarking must wade into a near-impenetrable wall of dead-eyed humans and just pray they make it through alive. Again, this is not the apocalypse. Step to the side.

6. Pole-huggers

The poles you’ll find in any train carriage are there for people to hold onto - ballet-like, if need be, with just the fingertips when it’s excessively crowded. This is to stop people falling over. Poles are most certainly not for you to lean against, lock your arm around, or generally colonise for yourself.

7. Space invaders

This label applies to those who, when standing, pretend there aren’t also people sitting down and who thus thwack them with bags or shove their posteriors into close proximity with their faces. It also applies to seated passengers who flick through broadsheet newspapers in a manner which suggests they are oblivious to their neighbours.

Respect the pole - Credit: getty
Respect the pole Credit: getty

8. Child mishandlers

This can come in many forms. Some parents utilise their children as mini-missiles - a weapon with which to poke their way through crowds. Others insist people surrender their seats for their little darlings, which is only really acceptable for kids under the age of seven on the basis that adults are almost always more tired than children. Which is not to say that children should not be treated with respect. Their little heads are not yours to rest your bags on, and their diminutive height does not give you a pass to crush them.

9. People who pretend not to have noticed the pregnant woman

We all saw your eyes flicker upwards and then hastily fall back to your screen/book/shoelaces. It’s only courteous, if you manage to snag the seats reserved for pregnant women and the elderly or less-able bodied, to survey the new arrivals periodically and make sure you’re not ignoring anyone who needs your spot more than you do.

10. Consumers of food

Any of sort of food really. Crisps, which are loud to eat and spray crumbs. Sandwiches, which are messy if not handled with careful precision. But particularly hot food of any description, which will stink out your surroundings or, at the very, very, very best, smell nice and make others hungry.

11. Oyster card fumblers

The time to rifle through your belongings in search of your Oyster card is not at the front of the gates. No sir, you must have it drawn and ready, like a pistol, before reaching this point. And once there, you only get one shot. That red blinking “Please seek assistance” message means, in less polite terms, “retreat immediately and succumb to your fate while all the people behind you get on with their lives".

12. Shameless starers

Any seasoned Tube-user knows that the maximum acceptable duration for eye contact is 0.7 seconds. Didn’t your mother tell you it was rude to stare? Worse are the people who strike up idle conversation with strangers, though this crime is rare and usually reserved for tourists who don’t know better.

13. Sniffers

It’s not your fault you have a cold. It is your fault that you failed to carry tissues. Trains are, as we all know, breeding grounds for germs. We’re already giving you the side-eye just for being alive and present, fairly or not. Start sniffing loudly and repeatedly in a full, crowded carriage, and you deserve all the death-stares you get.

14. Loiterers

If you’re lost and scratching your head, be lost at the back walls of the platform, not in the middle of it. If it’s rush hour but you happen to be in no rush, stand aside, do not saunter at a leisurely pace in the path of others. And if you are in possession of a wheelie suitcase, do not take the moment you reach the bottom of an escalator as the opportune time to halt, bend over and scrabble around pulling the handle up.

15. Complainers

Out-of-towners who say things like: “Gosh this is dreadful, imagine if you lived here and had to do this every day”. Chances are that 80 per cent of the carriage do live here, do endure this every day, and don’t need the dreadfulness of their situation to be pointed out. Why are you even talking out loud? You're on the Underground for goodness sake.

16. Headphone blarers

This is a tricky one, given that it can be difficult to ascertain whether you own the sort of headphones which do their job (i.e. contain the sound to within your own ears) or the sort which do not, leaving everyone around you subjected to your awful music or babbling podcast. Perhaps test them out with a friend?

17. The really, really weird ones  

This very writer, only the other day, witnessed first-hand a smartly-dressed and otherwise sane-looking woman plucking hairs from her upper lip, Tweezers in one hand, mirror in the other, on the London Underground. Other reports suggest there are people out there who clip their nails, use toothpicks, and remove nail varnish in a public transport scenario. This sort of behaviour leaves more questions than answers.

Are there any infuriating Tube habits that we might have missed? Tell us about them in the comment section below. 

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