How to Manage Travel Anxiety in a Crowded Airport

Even before the pandemic, being in an airport or airplane was never particularly relaxing. And as air travel resumes on a large scale this summer, it might feel even more stressful and unfamiliar.

In fact, the amount of stimulation in an airport is likely to exceed what you have experienced for the past year, so could be overwhelming, says Maryam Kia-Keating, a clinical psychologist and a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “People [right now] have their routine of places they go to that are close to home, so there’s less variety in the places we go,” she says.

On top of this, COVID-19 has changed the look and general routine of airports, making it potentially more difficult to ease back in, says Jennifer Yeh, a licensed psychotherapist with Seattle Anxiety Specialists. Pre-pandemic, you were already required to read multiple instructions on the go, provide mandatory information to pass through checkpoints, and figure out how to get to terminals and boarding gates. COVID-19 rules and processes pile onto this list of mental demands.

“When we have multiple demands on our attention and cognitive ability, it cognitively depletes you, and you start losing your energy," Kia-Keating says. 

There's also the fact that you will be in a sea of strangers after more than a year of limited contact with those outside your social circle, and in a situation where you need to achieve a goal in a demanding environment, according to Kia-Keating. This can increase your irritability as you wait in long lines, grab a coffee, or sit at a boarding gate around people who may do things like cough and sneeze. “There may be a lot more stress related to meeting these basic needs because you don't want to carry some germ with you, especially if you're visiting loved ones, and if you’ve avoided getting COVID-19 after all of this time, you don't want it now,” she says.

How can you mentally prepare to be in an airport and airplane again?

Though entering these less-familiar and crowded places has the potential to spike stress levels, experts say there are ways to regulate your emotions and travel anxiety before you even catch a cab to the airport.

As you read these recommendations, Yeh says it is important to keep in mind that they may not be helpful if you have a specific type of anxiety disorder, like obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, or agoraphobia. In these cases, seeking input from a cognitive behavioral therapist is a necessary first step.

Start practicing good mental health hygiene before the trip

“You wouldn't expect your body to be able to deadlift 200 pounds all of a sudden," Yeh says. "So why do we expect our brains to infer this [airport and plane] scenario of a lot of unknowns and uncertainty and novelty and triggers, and still keep its cool and its ability to regulate, especially when some of us are wired for more anxiety or more threat detection or sensitivity?”

To build up your ability to cope with stressors, start supporting your mental health once you’ve booked your trip, or even prior to this. Incorporate some of the following supportive activities, such as eating nutritious foods, doing exercise you enjoy, practicing self-care, scheduling in regular leisure activities, connecting with loved ones (in a COVID-safe manner, of course), and spending time outside to soak up sunlight.

At least a few days prior to the trip to the airport, pack what you can of your suitcase and carry-on, recommends Kia-Keating. Read up on the things you’re not allowed to bring on the plane. This can reduce your travel anxiety and stress ahead of time and help take some load off on the travel day.

Rehearse going through an airport

Kia-Keating suggests mentally stepping through the processes beginning from when you enter an airport until you board a plane, so you’re prepared for the “unusual” requirements, like removing your face mask when showing your driver’s license with your boarding pass or removing your shoes at the security screen.

Thinking through these processes in advance, you can pack and plan to ensure they are smoothly carried out. For example, you can put your identification documents in an easily accessible compartment of your carry-on, or choose shoes with minimal laces.

Practice safe risk taking before the trip

Before the travel day, Yeh suggests finding reasonable and safe ways to nudge yourself to do something you are unfamiliar with, to build resiliency for new environments again. It may look like driving to a section of your town or city you’ve never ventured to, parking at a new location, or grabbing takeaway from a new restaurant. You’re trying to avoid making your visit to the airport or boarding of a plane your first “new experience,” as these places can already be overwhelming and stressful.

Plan for how to meet basic needs

“Being hungry, angry, lonely, and tired are triggers for dysregulation,” says Yeh. When you’re in this kind of headspace, you are less likely to make effective choices when you face a stressor.

Strategize how you can safely meet your basic needs throughout the airport and plane journey. Check if the flight will offer refreshments, and if they don’t, pack a snack like a granola bar, which you can consume quickly and not have to touch directly. Prioritize your sleep leading up to the trip and once you arrive at your destination, knowing you may not get much rest on the travel day.

Stay connected with someone

To combat loneliness and stress, companionship is helpful. Bring a travel buddy if you can, and have a conversation with them before the trip about likely stressors, anticipating how you can be supportive of one another through these, suggests Kia-Keating.

If you’re traveling alone, schedule a call with a virtual travel companion, so they know you may ring if you feel anxious or irritated during your trip.

Finally, remember to cut yourself some slack

It’s been a while since you practiced the skills needed to navigate an airport, so extend compassion toward yourself, and manage your expectations of how it’s going to go, says Kia-Keating. If you mess up and head to the wrong terminal, for example, remind yourself that it is okay, instead of beating yourself up over it.

Originally Appeared on Condé Nast Traveler