30 Things That Took On A Double Meaning Thanks To Their Very, Very Bad Designs

1. This toilet seat isn't covered in poop:

2. These floors aren't also covered in feces:

3. These leggings aren't covered in fur:

4. This shirt isn't stained with coffee:

5. This poison actually isn't protein powder:

6. This billboard for a school doesn't actually allow horses:

7. This yellow bath salt isn't a tub full of pee:

8. This mother isn't actually decapitating her child:

9. This ceiling isn't covered in hair:

10. This pair of camo shorts aren't the result of a urinary accident:

11. This chandelier isn't made with condoms:

12. This hoodie isn't stained with grease:

13. This masked family isn't about to eat you:

14. The sign isn't actually telling you to follow someone home:

15. This train table isn't dirty:

16. This detergent isn't some delicious grape juice:

17. This bread isn't actually moldy:

18. There bath bombs are in fact not candy:

19. This rug isn't covered in bugs:

20. This mug isn't splattered with blood:

21. This sink doesn't have dirt smeared all over it:

22. This person isn't peeing on themselves:

23. This dog isn't taking a dump:

24. These sauces aren't made for cleaning your car:

25. This restaurant logo isn't a health inspector grade:

26. This sign isn't encouraging you to lie, cheat, and steal:

27. This rabbit isn't showing you hole:

28. This mall sign doesn't feature a woman sitting on the toilet:

29. This pillowcase isn't actually infested:

30. And finally, this bike seat doesn't say "sex":

H/T r/CrappyDesign