Man stunned by fiancée’s ‘awful’ admission: ‘She didn't even deny it’

A man consulted Reddit’s “Am I the A******” forum for advice after his fiancée didn’t want him to work for a female boss . “After looking for four months I finally found a potential job opportunity and contacted the company and set up a date for an interview,” he explained. “I’ve learned that the manager is a lady and for [some] reason that pissed my fiancée off”. “She told me having a woman as your boss is never a good thing because she says women take advantage of their positions”. The fiancée encouraged him to cancel the interview but he refused. “I wasn’t going to throw this opportunity away after looking for months,” the user explained. “She threw a fit and kept bringing it up over and over again”. “A few days ago I found out that she used my laptop and canceled my interview with the company … she didn’t even deny it”. Reddit users thought the fiancée was in the wrong. “Insecurities don’t excuse her awful behavior,” one user wrote. “Definitely a big red flag there,” another said. “Your fiancée sounds abusive,” someone added