This Man Re-Proposed to His Wife of 26 Years After She Was Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

From Good Housekeeping

An Iowa couple is going viral after their 18-year-old daughter Christin Koch tweeted the below photos of her dad "[re-proposing]" to her mom. The Kochs have been married more than 26 years, but Jim wanted to make sure Lora knew how much he loved her as she was recuperating from breast cancer surgery, Christin told

Lora was diagnosed just over a month ago and has been home recovering for about a week. "My mom's old wedding ring had just been too small for a while so she knew she would get a new one at some point, but she didn't know when," Christin explained. After Lora's surgery, Christin "went with [her] dad to pick it up and it was so beautiful and even more special because it features the diamonds from her original wedding ring."

Her mom was completely taken aback by the re-proposal, during which Jim "basically just told her that he loved her no matter what and wanted to make sure that she knew when he said 'in sickness and in health' that he meant it," Christin said.


As if that weren't enough: "After he gave her the ring and had left the room my mom had told me, 'This is what true love really is, even when I look like this he still loves me. As unattractive as I feel right now I can't believe I deserve something so beautiful.'"

Both Christin and her sister have been overwhelmed by responses to the tweet about their parents' relationship: "As my sister said, 'If I ever have a love that's half as wonderful as theirs, I'm set.'"

Voila! Your proof there is still some real, true, deep good in this world.

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