Man faces backlash after claiming his wife ‘uses’ her pregnancy as an excuse: ‘Suck it up’

A husband is under fire for badmouthing his pregnant wife to their mutual friends. He went on Reddit’s “Am I the A******” (AITA) forum to defend himself but it didn’t exactly go over well. The husband believes his wife is using her pregnancy to get out of doing chores and he told their friends that in a group message behind her back. “AITA for telling my friends I think my wife uses her pregnancy as an excuse to get out of things?” he wrote. He said he understood his wife, who is four months pregnant with twins, . opting out of some things like heavy-lifting but he thought there were other tasks she could still do. “Somehow word of what I said got back to her and it was not good,” the husband explained. Reddit users pretty much went in on the guy. “You are completely in the wrong to think this about your pregnant wife,” one person said