If A Man Has Ever Taken Credit For Something You’ve Done, We Want To Hear About It

As women, we have to put up with a lot from men — at work, at school, and well, just generally in life. We're constantly interrupted, talked over, ignored, and dismissed.


And although there are definitely ways to combat this, a lot of us just try to hold in our frustration for fear of being labeled "difficult to work with" or a "bitch."


So it's no surprise that men sometimes take credit for something a woman has done. I mean, we just found out that Nicole Scherzinger was the one responsible for creating One Direction, not Simon Cowell.

Fremantle / Via youtube.com

So I want to know if this has ever happened to you.

Maybe it happened at work — you came up with a really good idea for a new project, but when you told a male colleague about it, he pitched it to the boss first, as his idea. And while he got praise from the boss, you got told to work harder.

Disney–ABC / Via giphy.com

Or perhaps you were assigned a group project in school, and you ended up doing the majority of the work. And while you were presenting to the class, your teacher wanted to know who did which part. Before you could even speak, your male project partner took credit for all the parts you did.

Sony Pictures Television / Via giphy.com

Or maybe it was even as simple as your boyfriend telling his friends that he bought something for himself, when in reality, you bought it for him for as an anniversary gift.

AbsoluteRadio / Via giphy.com

Whatever it was, we want to hear about it. In the comments below, tell us about a time when a man took credit for or cashed in on something that you did. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit your story using this Google Form.

Your experience may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!