This Man Cutting Hair With an Axe Is Absolutely Horrifying

Getting a haircut isn’t always the most pleasant experience, but rarely is it one that you’d consider a seriously distressing ordeal—unless you’re getting your hair cut with an axe, that is.

Russian hairdresser, Daniil Istomin from Novosibirsk, Siberia, prefers to cut hair using a hatchet (yes, like the kind used to chop down trees), forgoing your typical scissor-shearing technique altogether.

According to the New York Post, Istomin says the technique came about after taking some “basics of geometry,” which he combined with his profession to bring about this strange grooming method. In a video demonstrating his technique, some clearly nervous woman lays her head sideways on a table (as if a beheading is about to happen) and Istomin hacks away at her hair in quite the violent manner.

Once the hair has been sufficiently chopped to his (or the client’s) liking, Istomin uses his tool to trim layers into the hair as the final touch. Although, it certainly doesn’t appear like this technique would be as precise as scissors or a razor would be, and it’s definitely not as comfortable or relaxing as a regular haircut. See for yourself, below:

Nonetheless, no matter what you think of his method, it is NOT a beauty practice you should try at home.

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