Man Claims to Have Captured Sound of Ghost Playing with His Dogs

Just a few centuries ago, any mention of the paranormal would have a person shunned, or even tried as a witch. Luckily, though, the opposite is true today. There are movies, theme parks, and entire TV channels dedicated to the paranormal, so it's no surprise that there's an entire section of TikTok for paranormal interests.

One TikTok account named @stevespirits is entirely dedicated to one man's ghostly encounters, and this time, his brave dogs are involved. He claims that a spirit is talking and playing with the pups--what do you think?

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OMG! This is actually insane. We weren't sure what to expect, but we did hear the clapping and the sound of a female voice.

Commenter @heatherdriscoll agrees, "sounds like she said 'come on Max' and claps." Exactly! We heard, 'come on guys,' but it's easy to hear slightly different sounds. The point is--this evidence seems pretty convincing!

If these pups are going to be around a ghost, we're glad it's around one who cares for them. Then again--it's hard not to like dogs! We agree with several commenters who guessed that the spirit has taken a liking to them. We can't see what dog breeds they are, but they certainly don't seem concerned!

"Wow! A nice spirit!" @infinitimm began, "The dogs don’t seem bothered by her either! And they can sense that stuff QUICK!" You're completely right! Dogs seem to have an innate sense of intuition, especially around people.

Even animal experts confirm that dogs can sense both positive and negative energy. Dr. Maria Baker, DVM, explains that this may be because of canines' incredible sense of smell. They can likely detect chemical and hormonal changes from those around them, so it means something when a dog doesn't like a person.

In this case, though, it might also mean something that the dogs aren't reacting negatively to the alleged spirit. She's probably a kind spirit! It sounds like visitations are no rarity at Steve's house, but we don't see the harm if encounters go like this!

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