Man Attempts Never-Been-Done Snowboarding Golf Trick Shot

The snowsports to golf pipeline is strong.

So strong, in fact, that this snowboarder felt compelled to bring his iron to the slopes before attempting a never-been-done trick shot. See it below.

As a lifelong skier, I've never succumbed to the temptations of golf carts, greens, and hole-in-ones. Is it because I'm above golf? No. It has more to do with how terrible I am at sports involving hand-eye coordination.

It's not that I haven't tried. My friends have dragged me to numerous driving ranges and golf courses. During each admittedly pathetic trip, I found it difficult to hit the ball, connecting with grass more often than white. As you can probably guess, ending the ball in the right direction was a non-starter.

I came to this video with this hilariously bad golf career in mind, meaning I was floored by the skills on display by @hoer_th, the trick-shotting snowboarder. If I dedicated all my time and energy towards pulling this one off, success would probably take the better part of a decade. And, in the wise words of internet legend Sweet Brown, "Nobody got time for that."

Thus, I'll leave the green and the new-fangled combinations of golf and snow to the pros like @hoer_th. Unless someone out there really wants video proof of my terrible golfing skills.

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