A Man Accidentally Got His 'Crown Jewel' Trapped In An IKEA Stool

Photo credit: IKEA
Photo credit: IKEA

From Women's Health

After a knee injury, Claus Jørstad of Alta, Norway invested in a MARIUS Stool from IKEA to sit on while he showered - but that plan backfired big time. While sitting on the chair during a recent rinse, one of Jørstad's testicles got stuck in a hole on the seat when the hot water caused them to expand.

"Sitting there and noticing the accident, I bent down to see what happened, I realized the little nutter has got stuck," he told Daily Mail. He sat there so long, in fact, that the water turned cold. However, Jørstad thinks the freezing water was actually his saving grace. You see, the temperature drop caused his testicle to shrink again, which allowed him to safely free his little guy. Whew.

But after the incident, he decided to warn others about his experience by taking to Facebook and alerting IKEA in a post that has since gone viral.

Photo credit: Facebook via Claus Jørstad
Photo credit: Facebook via Claus Jørstad

IKEA's response? "Hey Claus. We recommend that you take the stool out of the shower... or that you sit on it with the right uniform on and in the right setting," a staffer posted on Facebook. "If you choose to keep it in the shower, make sure you are well dressed for your next sea excursion." Fair enough.

So Jørstad did what he should have done from the beginning: He covered the stool with a wash cloth. Problem, solved.

[h/t Express

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