Mammoth Mountain's Snake Run Is The Best It's Ever Been

Mammoth Mountain, California still has 58 inches (nearly 5 feet!) of snow at the Main Lodge. The summit still has a whopping 116 inches (9.67 feet) of snow.

This season's record snowfall is allowing the resort to stay open well into the summer. As of now, Mammoth plans to remain open through at least ate-July.

One of the best features on the mountain is the massive snake run that's been carved out by hundreds of skiers near Chair 3. Check out the video below of yours truly ripping down the snake on Monday, June 26th, 2023:

It's hard to tell in the video, but the majority of the snake run walls were taller than me! No joke. It's easily one of the deepest and fastest snake runs I've ever seen.

We enjoyed lapping the snake all weekend long, but I must say -- crashing on a snake run is less than ideal. I got absolutely booted out of it one time. Thankfully the snow was soft and slushy.

I highly recommend that everybody heads out to Mammoth this summer before the snow is gone. It is fantastic for this time of year.

Check out the video of Nick Loomans skiing near Chair 23. I captured this around 10:30AM on Monday. The snow was perfect.

United Airlines is offering direct flights to Bishop, California from San Francisco throughout the summer. Skiers can catch a flight then hop on a 45-minute shuttle to reach Mammoth Mountain and Mammoth Lakes.

This is your sign. Book it!

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