Makeup Mogul Huda Kattan Shares the 2 DIY Travel Beauty Hacks She Swears By

You may know makeup artist Huda Kattan from her wildly popular Instagram (38.6 million followers, y’all) or her Facebook Watch series Huda Boss, or maybe you’ve purchased some of her sought-after Huda Beauty products. No matter how you know her name, you probably know the 35-year-old makeup mogul is the queen of glam. But even beauty queens go the natural route every now and again.

We spoke with Kattan and her sister/co-star Mona in celebration of their Huda Boss season two premiere and asked what unexpected beauty tools and tricks they reach for time and time again.

Mona explained that she couldn’t live without her lash comb (same, girl). But Huda said she’s all about a simple DIY mask.

“I’m a big fan of DIY, so when I go to hotels or I’m traveling and my skin is not acting right, I’ll do a good DIY, even on a plane…I’m obsessed with it,” Kattan explained.

So, what kind of DIY masks does she get down with?

1. Huda’s Plain Yogurt Mask

“When my skin is acting up, I will put yogurt—like, pure plain yogurt—on my face and I feel like that kind of balances out my sebaceous glands so I’m not producing too much oil or under producing. It balances it out really well,” she revealed.

2. Huda’s OJ Glow Up Mask

In a pinch, Kattan has even been known to get in a DIY mask in the air. “I remember one time being on a plane and I knew I was going to film,” she recalled.  “I ordered a fresh orange juice, I put a tissue in it, dabbed it on my face, left it on for five minutes and then rinsed it. It gave me a little glow.”

Glowy skin straight from the fridge? The more you know.

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