Makeup-Free Kylie Jenner Tests Lip Kit Filters with Caitlyn Jenner

From Harper's BAZAAR

Amid speculation that Caitlyn Jenner was becoming increasingly estranged from the Kardashian side of her family, she and Kylie Jenner were seen bonding up a storm together over on Kylie's Instagram.

Kylie and Caitlyn 8/1/18

A post shared by Kylie Jenner (@kyliesnapchat) on Aug 1, 2018 at 5:41pm PDT

A makeup-free Kylie joined Caitlyn to try out her new Instagram Lip Kit Filters, which Caitlyn seemed adorably confused by. "What is an Instagram filter?" she can be heard pondering. "I saw, 'Oh Kylie is using an Instagram filter.' What the hell is that?"

Did you guys see these lip filters on Instagram stories today? 8/1/18

A post shared by Kylie Jenner (@kyliesnapchat) on Aug 1, 2018 at 5:45pm PDT

And by the way, for those of you thinking "Yeah right Kylie's completely wearing makeup in this!" she definitely isn't! She even confirmed "I’m wearing absolutely no makeup right now," while trying on her various filters.


A post shared by Kylie Jenner (@kyliesnapchat) on Aug 1, 2018 at 5:47pm PDT

FYI, Kylie's Instagram filters come in colors Kandy K, Dolce, Posie K, Say No More, Shady, Boy Bye, and Glitz-and they're only available to her followers, so if you don't already followers her (!) go ahead and get on that. Double FYI, here's what the filters look like on's very own Jasmine Ting:

Photo credit: Jasmine Ting
Photo credit: Jasmine Ting

Go forth.

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