Makeup Artist's 3-D Snake Lip Art

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

The makeup artists of the world continue to push creative boundaries and whip up increasingly elaborate looks. Consider just the realm of lip art, which has recently showcased crystal, marble, and galaxy lip landscapes.

But makeup artist Mimi Choi ups the beauty ante with special-effects makeup, and her latest look is ssseriously sssomething.

Quoting filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro, who’s behind spooky classics like Pan’s Labyrinth, Choi shared a photo of some phenomenal snake lip art:

Its 3-D spatial effect doesn’t come from any kind of template - Choi did the freehand illustration using two Make Up Forever eyebrow pencils. (Though as Teen Vogue notes, be careful using products for areas of the body for which they're not necessarily intended.)

She also shared a video version where the snake is moving:

Many of her other looks take on stranger vibes and inspirations. Like this trippy dripping face:

Or this head scratcher of a look, which is actually more of a head ... splitter?

This snake lip art isn’t the first lip art she’s animated:

She also does illusion makeup that interacts with the real world:

Choi doesn’t limit herself to just face-based makeup:

Check out more of Mimi Choi’s beautiful, bizarre, and unforgettable makeup looks on her Instagram.

Follow Lilian on Twitter.

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