Makers Team | The 2022 MAKERS Conference

Makers Team at the 2022 MAKERS Conference.

Video Transcript

- Please welcome Jamie Fraser and Elizabeth Bohnel.


JAMIE FRASER: Oh my gosh. OK, I know everyone has flights to catch, lunch to grab, a amazing golf clinic to get to. So we'll be quick. But I just want to say-- I mean, I am just blown away. I am beyond words proud of this team. The past couple of days have been truly incredible. And I am grateful to all of you for being with us. So we're going to bring the whole team out in just a second. But Elizabeth, I mean, Elizabeth put on this show and with her team. And it's just amazing.

- Whoo.

- Whoo.

ELIZABETH BOHNEL: I just want to thank all of you for the love that we felt in this room. It was so powerful. For the standing ovations, for the tears, for the laughter, for all of the vulnerable things that we went through together, there is nothing like it. So thank you. Thank you. All right, now let's bring out the rest of the MAKERS team who put this show on the road. MAKERS team.

JAMIE FRASER: MAKERS team. Everyone, come out.

ELIZABETH BOHNEL: Did we turn the music off? Whoo.

JAMIE FRASER: Oh, I was like where is everyone?


JAMIE FRASER: Yes. Yes. All right. Take a picture, guys.

- All right. [INAUDIBLE]

ELIZABETH BOHNEL: Thank you, everyone. That's a wrap.