Major New York Ski Resort Announces New High-Speed Chairlift

Big news out of Whiteface Mountain, NY this morning. The resort has just announced that they're building a new lift that will open this season.

Named 'The Notch', the lift is intended to connect Bear Den Mountain and Legacy Lodge. Check out the announcement with a concept map below:

We don't know much about the lift just yet.

The only details that have been released are that it will be a detachable high-speed quad, and that it will have a mid-station with unloading.

'The Notch' will provide an easier way for skiers to travel to and from the two separated sections of the mountain. This should allow for smoother trail flow and better skier distribution.

Stay tuned here at Powder Magazine for more details about 'The Notch' at Whiteface Mountain as they become available. We've got ya covered!

Whiteface Mountain Trail Map
Whiteface Mountain Trail Map

Whiteface Mountain Stats (Winter):

Vertical: 3,166 ft (lift-served)

Skiable Terrain: 299 ac. (+35 ac. in 'The Slides')

Average Snowfall: 183 in. (10-year average)

Lifts: 11

Trails: 94

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: NO

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