Maisie Williams Will Be a Bridesmaid at Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s Wedding

Maisie Williams revealed in an interview that she will be in Game of Thrones costar Sophie Turner’s wedding to Joe Jonas.

Looks like Maisie Williams just got another Game of Thrones supporting role—as bridesmaid to Sophie Turner at her upcoming wedding to Joe Jonas.

She let the news slip when the Radio Times asked if she was “bidding for a role.” Williams responded: “Oh, already got it. Yeah, it’s very, very exciting.”

The wedding won’t be for a while, however: Williams said that the couple is waiting until the latest season of Game of Thrones is over to start wedding planning, although she thinks Turner is “already letting her little heart wonder and imagine.” (Perhaps about how to work in some custom Louis Vuitton?)

The two actresses, who play sisters on Game of Thrones, have long maintained a close friendship offscreen. Last year, Turner gushed about Williams in an interview: “She’s my best friend, she’s my soul mate. I love that girl to pieces,” she said. They also have their own hashtag: #Mophie.

Williams won’t be the only actress to stand by her costar’s side on her big day. Courteney Cox, for example, was Jennifer Aniston’s maid of honor in her wedding to Justin Theroux, and Drew Barrymore was a bridesmaid in Cameron Diaz’s wedding. High School Musical fans got a surprise in 2014 when they noticed Vanessa Hudgens was low-key in Ashley Tisdale’s bridal party.

Whenever Turner’s big day does arrive, the only list Arya Stark will be manning is a guest one.

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