Maintenance worker is rescued from 175-foot-tall flagpole

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) retrieved an unidentified man dangling from a 175-foot-tall flagpole. The incident took place in Farmer’s Branch after the maintenance worker had a medical emergency while working. At first Farmer’s Branch firefighters responded to the scene but a Texas DPS helicopter was later requested to help.

A responder rappelled down from the helicopter to the stranded worker. Both were then safely lowered to the ground where a medical crew awaited. According to the Associated Press, the man was treated for dehydration and pole rigging burns but is expected to recover.

The story is somewhat similar to when Knoxville firefighters rescued a stranded worker hanging from a utility pole above Sherri Parker Lee Stadium in 2017. The unidentified electrical subcontractor was installing lights on the pole at the University of Tennessee softball stadium. But when he was making his way back down he slipped and was fortunately caught by his safety equipment.

Although he was uninjured, he was unable to free himself and dangled around 80 feet above the ground. Knoxville firefighters used a ladder truck to get the man down.

“If it hadn’t been for the safety equipment,” Knoxville Fire Department Capt. D.J. Corcoran told Knox News, “it definitely would have been a different outcome.”

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