Maine's Finest Athlete Immortalized On New Chairlift

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Who's the greatest thinker humankind has ever seen?

Aristotle? Pythagoras? John Locke?

All great guesses, folks, but in our opinion, at POWDER, the title goes to Maine's finest athlete: Donny Pelletier, whose wise words were recently added to Sunday River, Maine's new Doppelmayr D-Line Barker 6 chairlift.

"Point em' downhill, bub."

When future historians recover the remains of our lost civilization, Pelletier's words will echo across generations. Sure, those historians—probably AI historians at this rate—won't have a dang clue what they mean, but they'll know that they carried power. Pelletier's not just a Moxie-swilling, straightlining lunatic; he's a poet and philosopher for our troubled times.

All right. At this point, the satire's getting pretty rich. Pelletier is a goofy character played by an actually talented skier, not the second coming of Socrates. But I think his presence in snowsports is important for less philosophical reasons.

Now, this is a generalization, but skiing has gotten awfully self-serious in recent years. Pelletier represents the opposite approach, a much-needed salve in the sore absence of Shane McConkey's lovable shenanigans.

Get goofy, have a laugh at yourself, and "Point em' downhill, bub"—you don't need to pass a graduate-level philosophy course to understand Pelletier's treatise, but that doesn't mean it's any less vital than those posited by the so-called greats. Skiing's supposed to be fun. Let's keep it that way.

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