Maine's Finest Athlete Continues To Prove He's The Best Skier Around

Donny Pelletier, Maine's finest athlete, friggin' showed everyone "how ta hit uh wallride" recently, and let's just say he got a little stoved up.

Donny slides into view of the camera, holding a bottle of Moxie, and asks if the audience has seen "that America ninja warrior show" because "they always have a hard time getting over those big walls."

Donny, of course, can't understand why. "You just gotta point 'em!" (In this case, up and ovah.)

Pointing his narrow Fischers downhill is something Donny does well, and, as it turns out, going clear over a wall and onto the ground on the other side (without getting seriously injured) is another.

Why bother coming back down the way you came? The goal of skiing is to descend, right?

One commenter puts into words the question I had watching Maine's finest attack the terrain, writing, "Cripe Donny, half them pahhk kids can’t even get over that wall. They just whoop de do and come back down the same way they come up. Glad you friggin’ know how to go ovah."

Another wrote, "what’s the point uh puttin a perfectly good wall right in the middle uh the friggen trail?"

For whatever reason, it seems like Maine's finest athlete seeks out strange obstacles on the way down the mountain. Recently, Donny almost got himself stuck in powder after inching through brush (totally fair, that is where the powder stashes are, and tight trees are East Coast skiing's bread and butter).

Still others insist Donny, who hails from Sunday River (Sugarloaf's sworn rival) would be a better skier if he grew up at the Loaf. "I told ya, imagine how much betta you would be if you grew up skiing the loaf. Sorry the blues beat you up. Rub some frozen granula on the bruise and you’ll be good."

Donny always seems to bounce back. Or, channeling my inner Mainer, that would be the simple exclamation of: ayuh, friggin' right, bub!

Related: New England's Largest Ski Expansion Is Officially Open

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