Maine's Best Skier Invents Funny New Way To Ski Moguls

Not only is Donny Pelletier the best skier in Maine, he's known as the state's 'Finest Athlete'. True story. Just check his Instagram bio.

The video below shows Donny tackling a mogul course run this season as Sunday River, ME. Pay attention to Donny's unique technique as he navigates the brutal bumps that have claimed the knees and backs of many skiers before him:

He's officially named this bizarre method of mogul skiing 'the pelletier 2-step', I think that's pretty fitting, don't you?

If you're not aware of Donny, I highly recommend that you give him a follow across social media platforms. He consistently puts out hilarious content throughout the ski season and has quickly become one of skiing's most recognizable personalities.

Dig a little deeper and you might be able to find out Donny's true identity.

Turns out that today is Donny's birthday! How do I know this? A quick look at professional skier Daron Rahlves' Instagram Story will tell you all you need to know.

Rahlves clearly thought Donny's birthday was the perfect opportunity to relive the viral video they filmed earlier in the season. Check out the screenshot below.

The screenshot above shows Donny freshly-blasted by Daron Rahlves.
The screenshot above shows Donny freshly-blasted by Daron Rahlves.

Join me in wishing Donny Pelletier a very happy birthday! I hope it's filled with wicked amounts of Moxie, lobstah, and whatever else you Mainers enjoy.

This next message is for Donny (assuming that he reads the stupid words that I write)- Just don't enjoy yourself too much, okay? I know you're mister California big shot now with all of those videos you filmed for Palisades, but don't let it get to your head.

Overly-celebrating birthdays is a very California thing. Don't forget where you came from. Everybody from Kittery to Caribou is watching.

Happy Birthday!

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