Maine Ski Resort Fires Up The Snowguns: "It Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over"

Sunday River, Maine, is keeping winter alive.

This morning, the resort shared images of its mountain operations team doing what it does best: firing up the snowguns.

Several commenters chimed in below Sunday River's post to express their appreciation of the resort's dedication to snowmaking.

"You guys are AWESOME and magicians as well! Just came back from a GRate week of skiing in beautiful conditions even though it rained at night. Keep doing what you do 'cuz it's sure working!!!!!!" wrote one skier.

"We love our snow makers!" said another.

Sunday River plans to close on April 23rd, weather and conditions permitting, so any opportunity to fire up the snow guns and refresh the snowpack is welcome.

However, the resort might not just need to rely on manmade snow in the coming days.

This afternoon, Sunday River shared news of an impending storm set to arrive on Saturday night. A National Weather Service alert has been issued, and according to the current NOAA forecast, more than a foot of snow could fall.

Temperatures are set to warm up from there, likely creating slushy, springy conditions the weekend after next.

But you know what? A little spring skiing never hurts. Heck, some would argue that spring skiing is the best kind of skiing.

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