Maine Coon Kitten’s Face Totally Changes in the Span of One Week

Maine coon cats are known for their striking appearance and unique characteristics. While their faces don't change dramatically from kittenhood to adulthood, there are some notable developments that occur as they grow.

As TikToker Gemma shares in her video, posted on September 13, how much her Maine coon kitten has changed within a week, it's shocking. Let's take a look!

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Imagine us humans growing that quickly.

While I'm glad I don't grow an inch every day, I wish my hair would grow that much within a week.

It's totally normal for Maine coon kittens, like many other domestic cat breeds, to experience rapid growth and development during their first few weeks of life.

Known for their large and robust bodies as well as their muscular build, Maine coon cats are among the largest domestic cat breeds, and their bodies continue to grow for several years.

That being said, Maine coon cats are already relatively large at birth compared to other cat breeds, although they are still tiny and cute. However, they undergo significant growth during their first year and usually double their birth weight within the first seven to ten days of life.

As they continue to grow, Maine coon kittens will go through various stages of development, becoming more active, curious, and independent with each passing week.

And although their bodies change, the overall facial structure of Maine coon cats remains relatively consistent as they grow. However, you can see in the video that this kitten is slowly but surely adopting the facial features of an adult Maine coon cat; it looks more fluffy.

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