Maine Coon Cat Is So Big People Actually Think He's Fake

We always hear about how big Maine Coon cats get, but hearing about it and seeing it are two totally different things. If it wasn't for TikTok user @through.the.lleaves and her videos showing off her adorable cat, we would never believe these kinds of cats could get so big.

You've probably seen at least one of her videos as she has over a million followers. One clip, in particular, stood out as she shared the weight of her Maine Coon cat, which is a staggering 22 pounds. That's HUGE! And that's also probably why people don't believe this cat is real. Take another look so you know she's not lying. LOL! 

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O.M.G. Even as she puts up a separate video, we still can't believe how big these cats get. This is probably why Maine Coon cats are one of the most popular cat breeds. Everyone wants themselves a mini tiger. LOL!

"Do people not know about this breed? Maine Coons get very big," commented @nika0491. Of course, we know about Maine Coon cats, but seeing it in this way gives us a whole new perspective. How did we know they look as big as a 75-pound dog? Or as big as two cats?! That's news to us!

But before you run out to get yourself a Maine Coon, you should be prepared for the health problems these cats are known for. They're prone to some serious medical issues including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hip dysplasia and polycystic kidney disease. And if you do own a Maine Coon already, do some research to find out about some of these symptoms or reach out to vet for more information.

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