This Magnetic Closet Organizer Might Actually Make You Hate Folding Less

Photo credit: Threadstax
Photo credit: Threadstax

From House Beautiful

One of life's greatest conundrums (at least for us) is figuring out the right way to stack clothes. It seems like every time we grab a T-shirt from the middle of the pile, everything falls apart - we're talking clothes literally falling onto the ground. Which is why ThreadStax is a total game changer. Originally beginning as a Kickstarter project back in November 2015 (raising over $181,000), this organization system is the solution your closet has been begging you for...truly.

The company set out to help the 90 percent of people they found feel demotivated to fold clothes at all, because they never stay that way. Their solution? A three-piece organizing system (including brackets, a folder, and slides) that uses the powers of magnets to keep clothes off the ground and orderly.

Here's how it works: The metal brackets line the back of the closet wall, the folder tool makes tees and pants fit snuggly onto individual slides, then the slides stack on top of each other, and (thanks to the magnetic resistance on the back of the slide) allows users to flip and pull at ease.

The system claims to maintain the quality of your clothes, too: Air vents in the bottom of slides let clothes breath, while spacers prevent delicate items from being crushed and wrinkled. And, yes, ThreadStax also works in drawers. See for yourself:

Photo credit: Threadstax
Photo credit: Threadstax

You can start small with a sixteen-slide package, go big with a 56-slide bundle, or customize your own! Watch this video to learn more:

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