How I Made the Results From a Spa Treatment for My Body Last Longer

Being a travel writer comes with plenty of perks, but glowing, healthy skin isn’t necessarily one of them. Between frequent flights leading to varying water quality and jet lag (hello, breakouts), I’m always on the lookout for the best ways to keep my skin soft and comfortable. And whether I'm on the road or at home, I absolutely cannot be depended on to do anything beyond showering and slapping on some lotion on the regular, so I seek out professional help as often as I can.

So when Hotel Arts Barcelona invited me to spend an afternoon relaxing at 43 the Spa, I couldn’t resist. A sauna with sweeping views of the Mediterranean followed by Natura Bisse’s $215 Diamond Rose Ritual? I was sold. After all, fans of Natura Bisse’s product line include Beyoncé, Sofia Vergara, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kim Kardashian West, according to Forbes. The brand is clearly doing something right.

On the day of my treatment, I arrived an hour early to take full advantage of the spa circuit. After a quick rinse to remove lingering urban grime before my appointment, I changed into my swimsuit and headed for the soaking pools. I was relaxing and watching people hang out on Barceloneta Beach from my perch in the sauna when Karina, my technician, quietly knocked on the door and led me down to a private treatment room.

Candlelit and serene, the room smelled like roses and the products (all of them in shades of pink) were already sitting on a small rolling cart. After leaving me alone to change, Karina helped me get situated on the table with a warm bath blanket and weighted eye mask. Before I knew it, after some minor pillow adjustments, I was melting into the treatment table as she strategically uncovered sections of my body to carefully scrub my skin with a warm (and very pink) Natura Bisse concoction of diamond dust, Damascus rose, and moisturizing rose essential oil. She did the front of my body and then the back with the perfect amount of pressure: firm, but never anywhere near painful. While exfoliation was the goal I’m not sure which I enjoyed more, the scrub or the feeling of having it gently removed with steaming towels.

Once the exfoliation was over it was time for a relaxing, moisturizing massage that Karina finished with Natura Bisse Diamond Mist. And it clearly worked; once I had changed back into my robe and Karina brought the lights up, my skin wasn't just soft, it noticeably sparkled.

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of brand</cite>
Courtesy of brand

To be honest, after an hour and 20 minutes of intense pampering, I was blissed out and nearly comatose, but I managed to ask Karina a few questions before she led me to the recovery area. She gave me a few tips on making spa body treatments last a little longer:

  • Ask your technician for products and practices for home maintenance.

  • Don’t shower right after your treatment or if you must, skip the soap — it’ll remove the skin-enhancing products.

  • Stay out of the sun and the pool for a while.

  • After spa exfoliation, your skin soaks up moisture better, so slather on your favorite body cream or lotion daily.

  • To keep the exfoliation benefits going, gently scrub your skin with a washcloth a few times a week.

I can tell you firsthand that these tips work. It’s been over a week since my Diamond Rose Ritual treatment and my skin is still soft, though I’m sad but unsurprised to report that the sparkle disappeared after my first post-treatment shower. I probably should have splurged on some of my own Diamond Mist.

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See the video.

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