Mad You Don’t Get Paid Sick Leave? Here’s Who to Blame

Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

In the last few weeks, every single American has heard the advice: “If you’re sick, stay home.”

It’s advice everyone should follow—because reducing the spread of the coronavirus is absolutely essential in the coming days and weeks if we want to save lives and reduce the impact of this urgent public health threat.

Here’s the problem: 32 million people in our country have no paid sick days. In other words, for 1-in-4 workers, taking one of the most impactful steps we can to combat the virus could mean losing a paycheck or potentially a job.

There’s no sugarcoating the reality that what we’re up against requires everyone to change their behaviors and make choices to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.

But we need policies in place that give workers a real choice—because choosing whether to fall behind on the rent or risk a dangerous infection is no choice at all.

For years, Democrats have pushed for federal paid sick days legislation that would allow workers to gradually earn seven paid sick days—and for years, Republican leaders have said no.

Now, it’s more urgent than ever. That’s why this morning I called for passage of legislation to ensure all employees can accrue seven days of sick leave and have 14 emergency paid sick days, effective immediately in public health emergencies—as part of Democrats’ larger response efforts to buy us some time, ensure cost isn’t a barrier to tests or care for coronavirus, and support small businesses and local communities who are on the front lines.

I was extremely frustrated that once again, Senate Republicans stood in the way of such a commonsense, desperately needed step to help workers and their families—especially in light of the coronavirus.

But let me be clear: I absolutely am not going to give up, because here’s what I know—when we can make the right choices for ourselves, our families, and our communities, the rest of us are stronger for it. Times like these remind us we are all a community in a very real sense, and I’m going to keep pushing for our government to finally act like it.

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