6 Health Benefits That Make Macadamia Nuts So Nutritious

Medically reviewed by Karina Tolentino, RD

Macadamia nuts are a type of tree nut that has a rich, buttery taste. Like other nuts, macadamia nuts contain many nutrients, including fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Macadamia nuts are also high in healthy fats (monounsaturated fats).

When added to a balanced diet, macadamia nuts may help you lose weight, boost your heart health, lessen your risk of cancer, and lower your chances of developing diabetes, among other benefits. Manufacturers of macadamia nuts can carry a label claiming the food can support heart health.

This article will discuss the health advantages of snacking on macadamia nuts, their nutritional information, and why certain people may want to avoid them.

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Nutrition Facts: Single Serving of Macadamia Nuts

Just one ounce of macadamia nuts contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 204

  • Fat: 23 grams (g)

  • Protein: 2 g

  • Carbohydrates: 4 g

  • Fiber: 3 g

  • Manganese: 1.2 milligrams (mg)

  • Iron: 1.1 mg

  • Vitamin B6: 0.08 mg

  • Magnesium: 37 mg

  • Copper: 0.2 mg

  • Thiamine: 0.34 mg

  • Calcium: 24 mg

Fat in Macadamia Nuts

Though macadamia nuts contain a lot of fat, about 80% is monounsaturated fat, which offers many health benefits.

Benefits of Snacking on Macadamia Nuts

A diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods helps maintain overall health. Adding macadamia nuts to a well-balanced diet can provide several disease-fighting benefits.

Enhances Heart Health

The high amounts of monounsaturated fats found in macadamia nuts are associated with regulating cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease. In one study, people with high cholesterol who consumed a diet rich in macadamia nuts reduced their bad cholesterol levels by about as much as those who followed a heart-healthy diet recommended by the American Heart Association.

Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Macadamia nuts are low in carbs and high in fiber, which may help balance blood sugar. Some research suggests that consuming a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. One review of studies found tree nuts, such as macadamia nuts, may improve glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Promotes Weight Loss

Though they are high in calories, macadamia nuts may support weight management. This could be due to high amounts of protein and fiber, which tend to be filling. One study found people who included macadamia nuts in their diet for three weeks experienced modest weight loss and reductions in body mass index (BMI).

Lowers Cancer Risk

Macadamia nuts contain a type of vitamin E called tocotrienols and plant substances called flavonoids. Research has suggested these compounds may have cancer-fighting properties. Some studies have shown that people who eat diets high in tree nuts may have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Improves Gut Health

Macadamia nuts contain a lot of fiber, which acts as a prebiotic and could support gut health. A healthy amount of good bacteria in the gut can help with digestion and may ward off various diseases.

Boosts Brain Health

The tocotrienols and monounsaturated fats in macadamia nuts also have brain-protecting properties. Some research suggests eating more nuts may slow cognitive decline in older adults.

Why Are Macadamia Nuts Expensive?

One reason macadamia nuts are so expensive is because of the harvesting process. In many cases, it takes four to five years for the trees to begin producing nuts and 12 to 15 years to fully mature.

Sourcing: Where Macadamia Nuts Come From

Macadamia nuts are native to Australia, but most commercial production happens in Hawaii.

The nuts grow on macadamia nut trees, which are medium-sized evergreen trees. A single tree produces about 65 pounds of nuts each year.

Downsides of Sweetened Nuts

Not all macadamia nuts are healthy choices. For instance, nuts covered in chocolate may be loaded with added sugar, which can offset the health benefits.

Special Considerations and Reasons to Avoid

People who are allergic to tree nuts should not consume macadamia nuts. In some cases, reactions can be severe and cause a potentially life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis. If you have a severe allergy to tree nuts, even inhaling small particles can trigger a reaction.

Whole macadamia nuts may not be suitable for older people and young children who struggle with swallowing. Also, macadamia nuts may be toxic to dogs. If you own a pet, you may want to keep these nuts out of your dog’s reach.


Macadamia nuts contain nutrients that can ward off different diseases. When added to a balanced diet, these nuts can enhance your heart health, lower your risk of diabetes and cancer, improve brain and gut health, and promote weight loss. But don’t overdo it. Just one or two handfuls a day should do the trick. Avoid eating macadamia nuts if you have a tree nut allergy.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.