MAC is coming out with a “pizza cutter eyeliner” and it’s going to bring our cat eyes to the next level

MAC is coming out with a “pizza cutter eyeliner” and it’s going to bring our cat eyes to the next level
MAC is coming out with a “pizza cutter eyeliner” and it’s going to bring our cat eyes to the next level

We are big fans of the winged eyeliner look around these parts, and we’re always looking for tips, tricks, and tools to help us create our cat eye with as little effort as possible — it can get messy! It looks like MAC may have the answer to any winged liner issues we may have with a pizza cutter-shaped eyeliner that they’re releasing soon! How cute is that term “pizza cutter eyeliner” our girl Trendmood coined?

And, hello, don’t we love anything even remotely having to do with pizza? We don’t care what it is — if it’s in the realm of pizza, we’re going to try it. Though, in all seriousness, this kind of liner makes perfect sense for achieving those razor sharp straight lines that we all covet when attempting to create a truly perfect cat eye. No more shaky hands getting in our way anymore!

We need some perfectly straight eyeliner ASAP!

This roller is going to be a life-saver for those of us who are eyeliner challenged in general. We’ll have way more freedom and leeway to experiment with crazy eyeliner styles, especially with the aid of this lil guy!

MAC is always at the forefront of makeup innovation, so we aren’t surprised to see such a unique tool coming from them. They know what they’re doing over there! They’re certainly throwing lots of new interesting products our way these days, and we can’t thank them enough!

Has anyone gotten their hands on any ColourRocker lipsticks yet?

The world is seriously your oyster when it comes to creating outstanding and original beauty looks with MAC products.

And how insanely gorgeous are the new Prep + Prime Essential Oils?

We can’t take it!

Keep your eyes peeled for more info on the upcoming eyeliner! We have a feeling it won’t be too long before we get a name and release date to fantasize about.