“I’m a Tarot Card Reader and Here’s Why These Career Tarot Card Spreads Can Help You at Work!”

When it comes to my career, I’ve looked everywhere for advice. I’ve paid coaches, bought books and signed up for courses that were supposed to teach me how to be successful. It turns out my best investment was the $20 I spent on my tarot deck. The readings I’ve given myself about my career (including those with the below 3 best tarot spread options) have been extremely helpful in finding what works for my business.

That’s probably because tarot offers tons of timeless wisdom about the world of work. Many of the major arcana cards deal with success and failure, and most of the suit of pentacles deals with work, creativity and career situations. The swords are all about communications and ideas — central to careers! So, it’s no surprise that career readings are some of the most common tarot readings I give people. Everyone wants to know if they’ll get promoted, how to make tricky career decisions, and who is trying to sabotage them at the office.

Remember, your career isn’t limited to paid work. Even if you’re retired, you’re likely still doing some kind of work, working around the house, volunteering, or otherwise contributing to the world. These spreads are useful for navigating any part of your life that involves your purpose or mission.

Create a peaceful space in your home where you can do one of the following spreads undisturbed. If you work with crystals, grab your green aventurine. It attracts luck, abundance and new opportunities. Finally, light a candle to set the mood. Have a notebook ready to record your reading. Before reading any spread for yourself or someone else, shuffle the cards for as long as feels right to you. Cut the deck with your non-dominant hand, and then pull the cards according to the spread you’re using.

Related: “I’m a Tarot Card Reader and Here Are 5 Beginner Tarot Spreads for Love, Guidance and More!”

How to read these career tarot spreads: Quick tarot card tutorial

Before learning how to do the spreads, it helps to familiarize yourself with some specific cards to watch for in tarot career spread. But to read the cards, you don’t need to memorize any tarot card meanings. Start with your own reaction. In the context of each spread, what does the image on the card make you think of? Record your impressions in a notebook and revisit them as time goes by.

Keep in mind that no card is strictly bad or good. It all depends on your situation, the spread and your intuition. These are just some common ways to interpret these cards in a career or work reading.

If you want to know more about a card, refer to the book your deck came with or simply do an internet search on the card in question. Trust that you’ll be connected with the information you need to know. There are unlimited ways to interpret a card in a career spread. The right one is the one that resonates with you and helps you think through your experiences.

Positive cards to look for in a career tarot spread

The chariot

The Chariot (career tarot spread)
Liudmila Chernetska/Getty

The Chariot suggests forward motion. It’s a card that says you know who you are, where you want to go and how you’ll get there.



Judgment looks a bit scary, thanks to the figures rising out of their graves, but this is really a positive card about hearing your calling. This card can mean you’ve recently heard your calling or you will soon.

Six of wands

Six of wands

Six of wands means that soon others will acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments— it can signify an award, promotion or raise.

Ace of pentacles

Ace of pentacles (career tarot spread)

Ace of pentacles signals a new resource or opportunity in the realm of your work. It can be an invitation to start that side hustle you’ve been thinking about.

Three of pentacles

Three of pentacles

Three of pentacles shows fruitful collaboration and teamwork. It can mean you’ve got a strong team at work and should focus on each member’s unique contributions and talents. This card indicates you can accomplish more by working together than working alone.

Eight of pentacles

Eight of pentacles

Eight of pentacles depicts a master craftsperson lost in their work. It’s the card of flow state and the pleasure of being productive. When you see it, think about the parts of your job you lose track of time doing — and find ways to do more of them.

Nine of pentacles

Nine of pentacles

Nine of pentacles has worked hard, and it’s paid off. In spite of her zeal for work, she knows how to balance effort and enjoyment. In a reading, this can indicate that you will be richly rewarded for your work.

Related: “I’m a Tarot Card Reader and Here are The 3 Best Tarot Spreads to Help You Attract the Wealth You Want.”

These are the more negative cards in a career tarot spread:

The moon

The Moon

The Moon can mean you are flying blind at work. There are things happening behind the scenes that you just don’t know about. It’s a reminder to control what you can control and leave the rest. Use your intuition.

Five of wands

Five of wands (career tarot spread)

Five of wands means that there is or will be tension at the office. Creative and strategic disagreements can be required for progress, but conflict is never fun. This card warns you that conflict is coming and reminds you to play your part—say what you need to say, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Ten of wands

(career tarot spread) Ten of wands

Ten of wands is a clear sign that you have taken on too many tasks and responsibilities. It’s time to delegate and learn to say no when necessary.

Five of swords

Five of swords

Five of swords indicates defeat. It can also signify bullying and unfairness, situations that are all too common in the workplace. When you see this card, get things in writing, document everything and try to protect yourself.

Knight of pentacles

(career tarot spread) Knight of pentacles

Knight of pentacles suggests you have gone off mission. Maybe you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture because you’re overly focused on money.

Related: “I’m a Tarot Card Reader and These 3 Tarot Spreads Will Help You Navigate Love — Past, Present and Future!”

Career tarot spread for a job interview

Career tarot spread for a job interview (career tarot spread)
Joy Manning

A job interview brings up a lot of emotions, including excitement, hope and anxiety. This spread can help you sort through that jumble of feelings and bring clarity about how to approach the interview.

  1. You — this is your professional or work self.

  2. Professional strengths.

  3. Professional weakness.

  4. Advice for the interview.

  5. A question you should ask the interviewer.

While this spread can reveal your authentic strengths and weaknesses, that doesn’t mean you should take those insights into your interview unvarnished. These insights are for you to ponder, not a script. Pay close attention to the cards you draw for 4 and 5. These cards will show you things that set you up for success in the interview.

Career tarot spread for what’s next at work

Career tarot spread for what’s next at work
Joy Manning
  1. Now.

  2. Coming soon.

  3. Obstacles.

  4. What’s next for you at work.

Work changes so quickly these days that this spread is always relevant. The things that turn up in this reading can give you hints about what’s coming. You may learn it’s time to start looking for a new job or new challenges in your current role.

If you see a court card (a page, knight, queen or king) know that these often represent people. A court card in the 3 position can alert you to someone at the office who is working against you.

Career tarot spread for finding your life’s purpose

Career tarot spread for finding your life’s purpose
Joy Manning
  1. Your highest purpose in this life.

  2. An obstacle that stands in the way.

  3. A resource you can tap to do more of the work you're meant to do.

  4. Advice on living out your life’s mission.

Work doesn’t always overlap with your purpose in life. But if you want it to, this spread can help you figure out how to make that happen. Remember, purpose can shift and change during the course of your life. The kind of work that is most meaningful in your 50s is different from what it might have been in your 20s. Approach this spread with open-minded curiosity, and the cards will show you what you need to know.

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