I’m A Fitness Writer And This Is The Only Thing I’m Buying On Prime Day (It’s Only £6)

 A man preparing to lift a barbell with weightlifting straps
A man preparing to lift a barbell with weightlifting straps

I try to avoid spending money for the sake of it, even when Prime Day fitness deals roll in. Instead, I only buy things that will genuinely benefit my workouts.

This year, that's whittled my basket down to one (mercifully affordable) bit of kit: the Beast Gear Weightlifting Straps, which has had its price dropped to a measly £6.39 on Amazon.

A friend lent me their pair after I forgot my regular figure-eight set for a Friday deadlift session last week and I was impressed. So much so that, when I saw them in the Prime Day sale, I swiftly snapped them up.

Beast Gear Weightlifting Straps: was £7.99 now £6.39 on Amazon

Save £1.60 The Beast Gear Weightlifting Straps are a valuable and cost-effective addition to your gym bag. The textured rubber on the straps offers better grip than most and can help you pick up heavier weights for longer by removing forearm fatigue as a limiting factor. View Deal

I've tried a fair few lifting straps over the years, but these had a couple of thoughtful touches that made them a cut above.

The loop for my forearms fitted well and a padded portion around the wrist kept me comfortable throughout high-volume sets of relatively heavy (for me) deadlifts.

They have raised rubber on the straps themselves, which I found easier to grip than others I’ve used, and there’s less slack than with figure-eight straps.

If you’re wondering whether lifting straps are for you, strap in for a quick 101.

All lifting straps have the benefit of removing grip as a limiting factor for certain exercises, such as deadlifts, clean pulls and farmer’s carries.

Rather than having to drop the weights when your forearms grow sore, but your larger muscle groups haven’t reached the stimulus needed for strength gains, you can keep going.

Not everyone needs them, though. If your gym workouts tend to revolve around lighter hypertrophy training, or you rarely tackle grip-intensive exercises, there's no point owning lifting straps.

However, if you’re partial to a bit of powerlifting or follow a varied exercise plan like CrossFit where strength-based training is a frequent fixture, a pair could well come in handy. Just don’t rely on them all the time, or you’ll never improve your grip strength.