I’m Anemic & These Are the 5 Things I Do to Stabilize My Energy

From bedtime rituals to mindful dietary choices, these are the five things I do to manage my energy levels with anemia.

<p>Design elements: Getty Images. Collage: Cassie Basford. </p>

Design elements: Getty Images. Collage: Cassie Basford.

Reviewed by Dietitian Annie Nguyen, M.A., RD

Anemia has been part of my life since childhood when my doctor first identified it. While it has been a constant companion throughout my life, I carried the condition without experiencing significant complications until I transitioned into adulthood. Recently, I noticed it’s getting trickier to bounce out of bed in the morning, my energy has taken a nosedive and I just don’t feel as lively as I used to—is anemia playing a more significant role in my daily well-being than I previously thought?

Anemia arises when the body lacks sufficient red blood cells or hemoglobin for effective oxygen transportation. This deficiency in hemoglobin, crucial for binding and carrying oxygen to tissues and organs, can result in fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath, symptoms I find myself grappling with as I navigate daily life.

To combat these symptoms, I’ve been trying different tricks with my diet and exercise. Here are five things that are helping stabilize my energy levels.

Related: 7 Sneaky Signs You Could Have Iron Deficiency

Eating More Iron

Following an iron-rich diet is essential to supporting healthy blood cells. Initially, my quest for eating more iron led me to the world of red meat, but the prospect of consuming it daily doesn’t quite align with my preferences. Fortunately, there are plenty of other iron-rich foods that I can add to my diet. From protein-packed beans to a vibrant variety of leafy greens and versatile legumes, my iron-rich diet has evolved into a delightful, nourishing and diverse culinary adventure. If you’re exploring this dietary shift, there’s a treasure trove of recipes featuring these ingredients that can add both flavor and iron to your plate. Try my favorite recipe: Chickpea, Spinach & Squash Gnocchi.

Related: 7-Day Anemia Diet Plan to Help Boost Iron Levels

Taking Supplements

Navigating the world of supplements requires a personalized approach as there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Before delving into a supplement regimen, it’s crucial to have a conversation with your doctor to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs. In my own journey, the incorporation of a daily iron and B12 supplement has marked a significant turning point. While the optimal route is typically obtaining essential nutrients from a well-rounded diet, supplements can play a practical role. For me, their convenience is a key factor in establishing a sustainable and effective strategy for managing the challenges presented by anemia.

Related: What Is Iron & Why Do You Need It?

Limiting Caffeine Consumption

Starting my day with the joy of a morning coffee is a ritual I cherish more than most. However, recognizing the potential impact caffeine may have on iron absorption, I’ve made strategic adjustments to maintain balance. Now, I either opt for decaf in the morning, delay my coffee intake by an hour or reserve it as a special treat a few times a week. This approach ensures that the enjoyment of my favorite beverages harmonizes with my health goals. It’s a mindful choice that allows me to still relish my favorite simple pleasures.

Getting Regular Exercise 

You may think that if you’re feeling fatigued, jumping into regular exercise could make things worse. However, engaging in regular physical activity strengthens your body’s systems and promotes overall function. Whether it's a morning walk, a workout class or a strength-training session, incorporating these activities has become essential in my efforts to improve circulation throughout my body. Most importantly, my approach involves listening to what my body needs and refraining from pushing myself when fatigue does set in.

Related: 6 Health Benefits of Walking

Ensuring Adequate Rest

In the age of elaborate bedtime rituals, I’ve ditched the trends and try to keep it fairly simple. By maintaining a consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule, along with reducing screen time before hitting the pillow, my nights have transformed into a haven of relaxation and recovery. Ensuring I get consistent high-quality rest has become a nonnegotiable habit that helps me wake up feeling ready to take on the day.

Related: The #1 Habit You Should Break for Better Sleep, According to a Dietitian

Read the original article on Eating Well.