Lush Rings in the Holidays With Campaign Starring Three Drag Race Queens

Lush, the company behind such iconic moments as an Ariana Grande "God Is a Woman"-themed bath bomb, is upping its own game this holiday season. The company's holiday campaign, entitled "Merry DRAGmas," features three queens from RuPaul's Drag Race: Kim Chi, Detox, and Shea Couleé.

The queens are decked out in their most festive holiday best, complete with bath bombs and other Lush products configured right into their outfits. Each of the three queens will grace Lush shop windows for a third of the month. If that's not enough DRAGmas for you, you can also meet the queens IRL at Lush store locations throughout the season. According to a press release, Kim Chi will be at Lush LA on Friday, November 9 from 4pm-6pm; NYC Lushies can meet Detox at Lush Union Square on November 17, Shea Couleé will take over Lush Chicago Madison Avenue on November 30. Head to the stores to hang among the queens and the dessert-smelling bath bombs for what sounds like one of the best afternoon plans I can imagine.

The first holiday queen is Kim Chi, whose photoshoot will be up in Lush shop windows until November 11. Each of the queens was asked to pick a favorite Lush product, and Kim's is Sleepy Shower Gel ($9.95). It's sudsy shower girl formulated with oat milk, lavender oil, tonka, and ylang ylang, but it's purple, the better to match with her amazing hair.

Next up is Detox, who will hang in Lush windows from November 12 to November 20. Her product of choice is the festive Shoot for the Stars Bath Bomb ($5.95), a royal blue and gold fizzy bath treat.

The month closes out with Shea Couleé, who gets the most spirited bath treat of all: the Candy Cane Reusable Bubble Bar ($5.95). Who says candy canes just have to end up as uneaten tree decorations? This bar is good for multiple scented bubble baths (although the fragrance is lemon and bergamot, not peppermint.)

Head over to a Lush near you to see these queens hanging in the windows, or mark your calendars to meet them IRL. Yassss, it's Christmas!

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