Luna's Last Wave: Hawaii Mourns the Passing of its Beloved Surfing Dog (Watch)

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Hawaii's beloved surfing dog, a jack russel terrier named Luna, has passed away.

Luna was 18 years old and loved surfing, skateboarding, and just being in the ocean.

After a life full of adventure, she caught her last wave in Waikiki during Duke's Ocean Fest in August.

Hawaii News Now posted the segment above about Luna's passing. It also posted an announcement on its Instagram page which you can see here, and captioned it:

"Whoever coined the phrase that a dog is man’s best friend would have loved to have known Luna, Hawaii’s surfing dog.

“That was Luna. But she also was really kind and cuddly and sweet. She wasn’t hyperactive to the point where you couldn’t control her,” said her owner, Alika Vaquer.

"He and Luna were inseparable. He got her when he lived in France, and she was just a puppy. He introduced her to his love of the outdoors and especially water, by first teaching her to swim in a river.

"Luna was a bit of a celebrity in Hawaii. Hawaii News Now and other media outlets did stories about her. And she was the star of her own Instagram page, and her energy was unstoppable. Luna was known by a lot of people in the surfing community.

"Alika and his wife, Jeanette, entered her in Duke’s OceanFest where she would ride waves. She may be the oldest canine to catch one. She was there again this year despite being nearly 18 years old and with her illness advancing.

“We did this year, just as an exhibition. She was able to take one more wave which was the like the biggest story of my life. It was so good,” Alika said, choking back tears. This week, the circle of life caught up to Luna, and she passed away.

But she leaves behind a gift of more good memories than many people make in a lifetime.


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