How The Lunar Eclipse Will Affect You

This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal

This lunar eclipse, which coincides with the full Moon on May 15, 2022, continues the magic of the Taurus solar eclipse that occurred on April 30 and is part of a set of seven eclipses taking place on the Taurus and Scorpio axis from November 2021 to October 2023.

Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. However, these shifts do not take place all at once. The transformation may start or continue on an eclipse, but the work continues throughout the time that eclipses are occurring in the same set of signs. This means that what occurs on this eclipse will continue in the fall when we will experience another eclipse season on the Taurus and Scorpio axis.

How the lunar eclipse in May 2022 will affect you

A total lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life. This change may come about abruptly, as lunar eclipses tend to bring information to you from out of the blue. You may find yourself feeling surprised or even caught off guard at some of the things you learn about others and yourself over a lunar eclipse. Not all of this information is negative. Some of it may bring you necessary inspiration along with encouragement to shift your life.

Lunar eclipses, like full Moons, are revealing. They tell the truth, often in a dramatic way, and let you learn things that change your life course. It’s important to accept what is revealed on a lunar eclipse. You cannot fight this knowledge, you can only take it in and ask yourself what is the highest manifestation you can create with this energy. Even if you are brought unwanted news or unexpected events, know that these are the Universe’s way of giving you a life detour that will ultimately be the best course of action for your evolution. Open yourself up to the information available on an eclipse and trust that this is landing in your life at the exact moment you need it.

It’s also important to understand that a lunar eclipse occurs to move you forward. It is an energetic push from the cosmos to take you out of stagnant energies and old patterns. Sometimes this forward motion can feel disruptive to your nervous system, and you may even resist it initially. There is no moving backward on the lunar eclipse, there is only the path forward. If you attempt to cling to energies that no longer serve your evolution, you will only be met with frustration and misalignment. If the lunar eclipse reveals something in your life that needs to be released, it's best to find the least dramatic way to move on.

The lunar eclipse and the month that follows it provide an opportunity to detach from energies, emotions, and even people who do not serve your evolution. These changes can feel scary and uncomfortable, but once you cross the bridge to another way of being, you will feel as if you’ve broken through a wall built between you and your highest visions. Eclipses are the time to break through the barriers, in whatever form they take, that prevent you from reaching your potential.

How to navigate the lunar eclipse in May 2022

Because lunar eclipses are more feminine in nature, they affect the emotional body to a greater degree and are much more emotionally charged compared to a solar eclipse. This can often can cause an emotional breakdown as you break through these energies. Hold space for yourself and give yourself time to process the information revealed on the eclipse. Do not rush into any decisions at this time, but rather let the energy settle and then make whatever moves are needed to propel you forward.

Know that this is a special time in the year and in your life for you to make the changes needed to reach your energy and potential. Open yourself up to the information and energy available to you and know that the Universe is always here to support you and your journey. Trust your path and trust the path of this eclipse.

Facing the depths of your shadows and revealing the truth of your soul is the work of the Scorpio lunar eclipse. It's scary, intense, and full of raw emotions. It's also incredibly healing and empowering. This eclipse is here to remind you of your power. Facing your shadows takes courage and compassion. As you shift through your deeper layers this eclipse, remember to love all of them. They are all part of you and your story. They need love and acceptance to heal. As you discover hidden pieces of yourself, shine a light on them. Know that you are only human. You are not perfect--and that is ok. You are full of both darkness and light. The important part is that you learn about both sides of yourself. Only through knowing your whole self can you reach your highest potential.

Throughout this eclipse, pay attention to your feelings, intuition, and signs from the Universe. This energy will begin about two days before the eclipse and last for about two days after. If at any point in this window you have the urge to cry, do it. If you want to scream, do that too. If you need to hit a pillow with a bat for an hour, go for it. Follow your emotions without question. Just remember to be kind to others, as they are going through these intense energies as well. As feelings arise, sit with them and let them run through you. Journal to learn more. Ask yourself what you are feeling and what this feeling helps you understand about yourself. Avoid distractions, though. Notice your reactions and your triggers. Also notice when you feel surprised by a thought or a feeling. Remember, this eclipse just might show you something essential for your evolution, so pay attention. Give yourself time to process whatever is arising in your field and avoid making any hasty decisions at this time.

This energy is part of a continuing path that will last throughout the year. Allow your transformation to unfold naturally. Be kind to yourself and know you are exactly where you need to be right now for your highest energetic evolution.

Learn more about this lunar eclipse in the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Workbook, from which the above is excerpted.

About our contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.

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