The Luckiest Zodiac Sign During the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius

Full Moon Sagittarius Luckiest Zodiac Sign

This month's full moon in Sagittarius is a dreamy portal for manifestation. On Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 9:53 a.m. EST, the Flower Moon in Sagittarius raises the collective vibration. We're moving closer to the longer days of summer as the Full Flower Moon aligns with the peak of springtime when flowers are in full bloom. Like the flowers, the moon's fullness nudges us to pause and savor the moment. Venus and Jupiter are teaming up during this full moon, adding an extra layer of luck and abundance to the mix. This alignment can unveil hidden truths and provide clarity on matters that have been shrouded in mystery. It's a time to embrace the guidance the universe is offering. One lucky zodiac sign is primed to tap into this lunar magic and transform their life. Want to know which sign has the most potential under the full moon? Keep reading to find out.

When Is the May Full Moon in Sagittarius?

The full moon in Sagittarius arrives on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 9:53 a.m. EST. This means you'll want to perform your full moon manifesting rituals the night before, on May 22, 2024, or on the evening of the full moon itself, May 23, 2024.

The Zodiac Sign Most Affected by May's Full Moon: Sagittarius

Sagittarius, this month's full moon is all about you! Venus and Jupiter will team up and oppose the moon during this lunar event, creating a powerful conduit for your intuition. Full moons occur when the moon is at its largest and brightest, unveiling hidden information or secrets we hadn't known about before. While there's a lot of luck with this month's full moon, especially in manifesting, it's equally important to pay attention to the subtle shifts in energy. Keep your heart and mind open to the messages Spirit may send.

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Pluto in Aquarius will also play a pivotal role in this month's full moon, potentially creating tension in unexpected places. Pluto, a planet that disrupts to make space for the new, might shake areas of your life you thought were stable. You might find yourself facing a big decision you weren't prepared for. However, by being aware of this potential, you can avoid temptation causing you to act out of character or rush to judgment. Wait until you have all the information and have had time to process it to make the clearest choice.

Finally, Neptune joins the full moon this month to demystify the dreams swirling in your head. This full moon's energy might start confusing, and the haze could linger longer than anticipated. Don't lose sight of the big picture. There's an emotional truth in what you're pursuing. As the facts reveal themselves, ask yourself if you still feel connected and aligned with what you once desired or if something hidden in the mist has changed. Part of this month's full moon in Sagittarius is accepting that our desires evolve outside our influence. Deciding if this path still serves you or embracing a new calling is up to you.

UP NEXT: This Is the Luckiest Day This Summer for Each Zodiac Sign.