Lucas Wachs Launches Huge 720 In Classic Level 1 Shot

Ever been thinking about teeing up a huge cliff and thought, "Wow, I probably should throw a 720 off this"? If your answer was no, you're in good company. Most skiers aren't sending tricks off enormous rock faces.

But pro Lucas Wachs isn't most skiers, so when he came upon an opportunity to spin an absurdly large 720 in the backcountry, he took it and spawned a mind-blowing movie moment.

Lucas Wachs flies a bit under the radar. I feel like, for whatever reason, I tend to hear less from him than other pros.

It's a bit of a shame, honestly. The guy rips super hard in the backcountry and has flawless style. I'd probably slot him into my top 10 of favorite pros to watch. And given the absurd amount of skiing content I consume, that's saying something.

The shot you just watched is pulled from the excellent "Romance," a ski movie created by Level 1, a legendary freeskiing production house. "Romance" was technically Level 1's last full-length ski movie, but they've worked on shorts and personal projects since its release.

Here's the trailer. If you're in need of some ski content to get you through the summer doldrums, "Romance" is a great place to start. You can check it out right here.

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