Loveland Ski Area Announces Opening Day

Loveland Ski Area, Colorado, has announced they will open on Friday, November 10th.

On opening day, the resort will offer top-to-bottom skiing serviced by Chet's Dream, a high-speed quad chairlift, with plans to expand terrain availability as the ski season progresses.

Chet's Dream will spin from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Early season adult tickets will cost $119, with children's tickets (aged 6-14) running $40.

Loveland's Chief Operating Officer, Rob Goodell, notes that unseasonally warm temperatures hamstrung the resort's pre-season operations:

"We had some curveballs thrown at us with the warm weather, but we're ready to turn the lifts for the 2023/24 season. Our dedicated snowmaking team has been working around the clock to take advantage of the cold temperatures, and Mother Nature helped out with some natural snow as well. We anticipate excellent conditions on Opening Day and are excited for another exceptional season at Loveland Ski Area."

Last season, Loveland opened seven days earlier, on November 3rd.

From November 10th onwards, Loveland plans to remain open seven days a week until early May.

And just like that, winter's here -- at least in Colorado.

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