I love walking barefoot so much. It means I can't ever live in a city again.

  • Walking barefoot in the grass has always soothed me.

  • It helped me feel connected during the uncertain times at the start of the pandemic.

  • I got married barefoot and continue to practice it every day.

Walking barefoot on grass has always been a soothing practice for me, but as a lifelong New Yorker, I didn't get many opportunities.

It didn't stop me from trying as a teenager, but walking barefoot in Washington Square Park only gave me a chronic toenail fungus and lifelong shame of my previously nice feet, which grew thick yellow toenails reminiscent of my grandmother's.

I loved the city but secretly longed for a backyard.

I moved to Kentucky during the pandemic

When the pandemic started in March of 2020, unable to afford my Brooklyn apartment, I packed up my life and went to Kentucky to temporarily stay with my childhood friend from chess club until my job came back.

As "temporary" stretched to a year and a half, the uncertainty of being unemployed, broke, and homeless overwhelmed me.

I took solace, sitting in my friend's backyard, overgrown but full of promise. I watched my first changing of the seasons outside New York City, which felt like seeing colors for the first time. There were pink and white Dogwoods, rose-colored Crepe Myrtles, Tulip Poplars, white Magnolias, violet Rose of Sharon, and cherry blossom trees.

Next door, the neighbor's yard bloomed. My friend suggested I help tame his yard. But how could I attempt to fix or build anything, let alone someone else's garden, when my own life was so unclear? One afternoon, his neighbor shouted, "I've got too many Hostas," and flung some over the fence. I had my first plant.

I started gardening barefoot

Showing off the freshly planted hostas to a new friend, a woman in her 60s, she took off her shoes and squished her toes into the soil. She said the earth was sending an electromagnetic charge through the ground that would aid my healing. Willing to believe, but skeptical, I took her suggestion.

Gardening barefoot, I automatically slowed down and breathed deeper. Yes, I didn't know what was going to happen or where I was going next, but feeling the ground against my feet made me feel connected to something greater than myself. My problems, like myself, seemed smaller. I became aware of the many other living beings also having their own experiences, including insects. I felt braver about allowing change to happen rather than forcing a decision out of fear.

The hostas graduated to herbs, grapes, roses, and five small evergreens.

My next living arrangement was an art residency on a donkey farm in another state even further South. My new practice of grounding continued. Winter came, and I sank my toes into the brief snow. After six months of socializing donkeys, caring for dogs at the local humane society, and walking barefoot in the woods, I fell in love. Like myself, my new partner was at a crossroads.

We didn't know where to go next

I was almost 40, happy, in love, and yet terrified of where now two of us would be heading next — whether it would have grass or not was a real thing I now considered. My parents had offered me their rent-stabilized New York City apartment. But I couldn't imagine myself there anymore.

Unaware of my latest housing dilemma, a couple from the dog shelter serendipitously offered us a place to live uphill from them and their rotating cast of 11 to 15 dogs and two parrots. Looking at the beautiful, cozy solar-powered cabin in the woods, we squeezed each other's hands tightly, unable to believe it. It was like something out of a fairy tale. I eyed the bare feet of one of the women and the rolling hill of grass leading to apple trees — a calm washed over me.

Opening the front door and walking barefoot across the grass to our vegetable and flower gardens or simply standing still reminds me today not to take anything for granted. It gives me the same feeling I get from looking at the stars. I'm, at best, temporary.

This comforts me through seasons of change, including my career, our first year of marriage, pregnancy, the illness and then death of my mother, and the birth of our child.

Thirteen months and three feet from where her father and I exchanged vows (barefoot on the grass), I took our month-old daughter out for her first barefoot steps.

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