Love (and Life) in the Time of Coronavirus? Introducing Vogue ’s New Interview Series: A Zoom of One’s Own

Watch Now: Vogue Video.

In a matter of weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has profoundly altered the fabric of modern life. Like everyone else, we’re not sure how to patch it up. We are muddling through, trying to find our new normal. But what is life supposed to look like now?

This is the subject of Vogue’s new interview series—on everyone’s favorite video-conferencing platform—A Zoom of One’s Own. Each week, three Vogue editors—senior social media manager Puja Prakash, associate market editor Naomi Elizée, and executive editor Jessie Heyman—will hop on a call with a special guest to discuss the complexities of life and love in the time of the coronavirus.

Our very first installment tackles sex and relationships, complicated subjects even in a perfect world. We speak to Karley Sciortino, founder of Slutever and Vogue’s Breathless columnist, about how to maintain your sex life while social distancing. Watch the video above, where we discuss the virtues of virtual dating, the depths of desperate DM’ing, and what it’s like to be quarantined with—and without—your significant other.

Watch Now: Vogue Videos.

Originally Appeared on Vogue